Thursday, September 17, 2009

Community is NOT a dirty word!

I would like to share an article I read in Newsweek recently about how "Obama recognizes the value of community colleges more than many of the schools themselves."

I think this could be of interest for all of us since we are all attending a Community College.

The article talks about a proposal he has made a couple of months ago which was to invest 12 billion dollars in Community Colleges. This proposal is now being debated in Congress.

President Obama has stressed the importance of education more than once in the past. A well founded education is especially important in a time of rising economic instability and unemployment. Well educated Americans will be able to contribute to the American workforce much better.

Although Community Colleges are often looked down on as “Communities as last resorts” they can give a good head start in times where paying high tuition for colleges becomes increasingly difficult. It makes good sense to keep supporting these low-cost institutions through special funds.

Where I am from it is possible to get trained at a vocational school and still be able to get a decent job, it is not necessary to have a College degree. The USA does not have a comparable system of education though, so it is essential for most people to go down this path.

Obama knows that the easiest and fastest way to increase the number of people with a college degree and eventually place them in well-paying jobs, is to get them started at community colleges which provide much more flexibility besides its low tuition.

Community is NOT a dirty word. It defines “a group of individuals with a common interest.” And our common interest is to get qualified education at an affordable price. What’s wrong with that?

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